Post Termination Support

One of the difficulties women struggle with after a termination is the feeling of being alone with confusing and often conflicting emotions.

With any major decision around an unplanned or crisis pregnancy, there will be loss. This may come in different forms, whether it is a lost opportunity, loss of trust in yourself or a significant other, loss of freedom, loss of the person you feel you were before the termination, or loss of power and choice. It’s hard to come to terms with the many forms of loss because it means facing the changes that now follow. These changes can affect you, your relationships, even your ability to function with normal day to day tasks. Changes occurring after a termination are difficult to manage if you feel unable to talk with your partner, family members, or a close friend.

What should you do if you are struggling after a termination?

Break the silence and reach out for help.

There is nothing worse than feeling stuck in a place of inner turmoil. Many women fear reaching out, due to conflicting feelings of relief or guilt, or the fear of being judged by others. Acknowledge your struggle and be kind to yourself. Your emotional well being is important. Breaking the silence and processing a termination in a confidential and safe environment can be helpful. Unresolved feelings of guilt, shame, anger, or sadness may not surface until weeks, months, or years afterwards. They may even cause anxiety when dealing with a planned pregnancy.

Important considerations when looking for a professional to talk to:

  • Am I comfortable with this person?

  • Are they experienced with issues around pregnancy loss and termination?

  • Do I feel respected by this person?

  • Is this person helping me to explore my own thoughts and feelings?

  • Is this person truly listening to me?

Our programs at Zoe’s Place offer free post termination counselling. Sessions cover concepts around grief and loss, conflicting emotions, values, and decision making, healthy relationships and self-care.  We also run an 8-week program for those who would benefit from small group sessions.

Participants in our small group program have been encouraged by the stories shared by other women. They have appreciated the provision of a safe space that offers acceptance and understanding as they process their own stories around termination and their ability to cope afterwards.

If you are interested in any of our programs offered through Zoe’s Place, contact us here.


A Circle of Trust


Let’s Talk About Birth