Unbiased information, empowering you…
Have you just found out that you’re pregnant? Your mind is probably racing with many thoughts, questions and mixed emotions. Maybe you haven’t told anyone that you’re pregnant or perhaps the people you have told are busy telling you what a huge problem this is. You may be scared about financial difficulties, concerned about how you finish your schooling, worried about what will your parents say, or what your friends will think.
We provide counselling to:
Provide information on options available - adoption, abortion and parenting
Help you gain clarity in the decision making process
Support you, and the significant “others” who are involved in your journey.
Our trained counsellors provide clear, unbiased information, empowering clients to make an informed, autonomous decision. We address factors that may influence the decision making process, ranging from financial pressures, mental health concerns to strained relationships. We believe that our best decisions are made when they align with our core values and beliefs. Clarifying what is important helps to guide your future decisions around an unplanned or crisis pregnancy.
A Circle of Trust
Life is hard. When you feel lonely or you don’t know who to turn to, especially when facing a crisis, your health can even be affected negatively. It’s important to cultivate a ‘Circle of Trust’ in your life. Here are some key things to look for in cultivating your circle read more…
Unplanned Pregnancy Decision, Isolation & Support
A woman facing an unplanned pregnancy decision can find herself extremely lonely. “I think I might be pregnant, what now?” Many women face the first part of their journey hiding their pregnancies read more…
Teenager & Pregnant? Ask these Questions...
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the number of teenagers (ages 13 – 19) giving birth has declined over the last decade. If you are a teenager & pregnant, ask yourself these important questions before deciding read more…