…because asking questions is key to making empowered decisions
Our non-judgmental team at Zoe’s Place will talk you through each of three options: parenting, adoption, and abortion. You will be able to ask questions and explore which option suits your situation best.
COVID-19 is causing widespread anxiety and disruption to our lives. We will continue to offer our services remotely, through online messaging (as we already do), via the phone and online mediums (facetime or zoom). We understand that not only are you dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, but you are also dealing with the pandemic. Zoe’s Place aim to provide an anchor for women in the storm of uncertainty.
According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, it is not yet currently known if pregnant women have a greater chance of getting sick from COVID-19 than the general public nor whether they are more likely to have serious illness as a result. Pregnant women experience changes in their bodies that may increase their risk of some infections. With viruses from the same family as COVID-19, and other viral respiratory infections, such as influenza, women have had a higher risk of developing severe illness. It is always important for pregnant women to protect themselves from illnesses. Give us a call to chat, but for specific concerns we recommend you contact the Government Coronavirus Health Information line for further advice: 1800 020 080 (24/7) or visit www.health.gov.au
In most cases, your options won’t really change if you take a few weeks to make a decision. The most important thing right now is that you slow down and take as much time as you need to find out all the information and facts about each option before making a decision. Zoe’s Place is here to help you do that. You are not alone!
Although we use the term “counselling,” you can think of your appointment as an opportunity to share your story, ask questions, and have space to pause without any pressure. Our non-directive guidance will help equip you with accurate, evidence-based information so that you can explore your options and make the decision that is right for you. We are here for you, so we seek to answer the question, “how can we support you best?”
It’s important to remember that abortion is a medical, and sometimes a surgical procedure, so as with all procedures there are some associated risks. Our Zoe’s Place team will provide you with information about this procedure, and answer any questions you may have, such as: Are there different types of abortion available? Does it matter how many weeks pregnant I am? How is an abortion performed? Are there any long-term or short-term risks I should know about? Make sure you have all the knowledge to make an empowered decision about your health and your future. Remember, all appointments at Zoe’s Place are absolutely FREE.
Missing your period is definitely one sign that you may be pregnant. Other early symptoms which may commonly occur are: Breast tenderness,Fatigue, Nausea, Food aversions, Light bleeding (this can occur with implantation). Everyone is different so experiencing these symptoms doesn’t necessarily indicate a positive pregnancy. Your best way to find out is to take a pregnancy test. You can pick one up at your local chemist (you should wait a few days to take it after your missed period for best result) or call us today. We offer free pregnancy testing here in our Warners Bay office.
Whether you were planning your pregnancy or it’s a total surprise, having mixed emotions about it is TOTALLY NORMAL! On top of the emotional roller coaster, you may also be receiving mixed feedback from friends, family and even the internet with regards to what you should do and how you should feel. Our advice is to take a deep breath, pause, and ring us for a FREE appointment. We are here to support you through your pregnancy and to help educate you on your options as well as what’s happening inside your body.
Our aim is to support you on your journey no matter what it looks like. We provide education on your options, friendship and mentoring through our Zoe’s Place Mentoring Mums program. All in a non-judgemental, pressure free environment. Call us today for a FREE appointment.
What is Adoption?
Adoption is a process through which the legal rights and responsibilities for a child are transferred from the child’s parents to the adoptive parents. In New South Wales, adoptions read more…
Is Coronavirus More Dangerous for Pregnant Women?
We understand it is not only a difficult time for pregnant women during the coronavirus pandemic, there can be an increased sense of anxiety and fear around your health and your future read more…
Medical vs Surgical Abortions
Depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy, your medical history and situation will depend on what type of abortion your doctor will suggest. It’s important to understand the procedures read more…